JPI Cultural Heritage READ-IT – Reading Europe Advanced Data Investigation Tool

READ-IT is a transnational, interdisciplinary R&D project that will build a unique large-scale, user- friendly, open access, semantically-enriched investigation tool to identify and share groundbreaking evidence about 18th-21st century Cultural Heritage of reading in Europe. READ-IT will ensure the sustainable and reusable aggregation of qualitative data allowing an in-depth analysis of the Cultural Heritage of reading. State-of-the art technology in Semantic Web and information systems will provide a versatile, end-users oriented environment enabling scholars and ordinary readers to retrieve information from a vast amount of community-generated digital data leading to new understanding about the circumstances and effects of reading in Europe. The interdisciplinary collaboration between established digital humanists, human & social sciences scholars and computer researchers will investigate innovative ways of gathering new resources through crowdsourcing and web-crawling as well as linking and reusing preexisting datasets.

Dates: 2018 – 2020
Contact: Guillaume Gravier


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